Septor 2022

Septor Linux is a operating system that provides users with a perfect computing environment for surfing the Internet anonymously. Septor providing users with a stable and reliable distribution that is based on Debian GNU/Linux and works on a wide range of computers. Distribution featuring a customised KDE Plasma deskop and Tor technologies.

Linux Kernel 5.10 Plasma 5.20.5
Software Management: Synaptic, DEBiTool
Internet: Tor Browser, Thunderbird, qTox IM, HexChat, QuiteRSS, OnionShare
Utilities: Gufw, Konsole, Ark, ISO Image Writer, Sweeper, KGpg, Kleopatra, Mat2, KWallet, VeraCrypt
Graphics / Multimedia: GIMP, Gwenview. VLC, K3b, Guvcview, Elisa, VokoscreenNG
Office: LibreOffice, Kontact, КOrganizer, Okular, Kwrite, Kate, Eqonomize

